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Why Sponsor Us?

 Our Programs

Since we filed the paperwork to incorporate, we have added a Leadership Academy for youth, created and delivered Diversity University for educators, provided free SAT prep classes, honored iInspire recipients, awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars of scholarships, and hosted ten Educating Children of Color Summits.

For Adults

ECOC’s adult programs, Diversity University and the Summit, are designed to increase justice by helping individuals confront their bias and leverage their power to address disparate treatment and outcomes for young people. More than 600 adults have engaged in equity programming over the last 12 months.

For Youth

Our youth programs are giving students the skills to avoid delinquent behavior and to further their education. During the 22-23 school year, 200 youth participated in the Leadership Academy and engaged in programming to enhance their leadership capabilities, confidence, and ability to pursue higher education and career opportunities. This school year, 320 students are involved in the Leadership Academy. Ninety-one percent of the students are students of color, 87% qualify for free or reduced lunch, 58% will be first generation college students and 15% have been or have an immediate family member who is justice involved. 

In addition to Leadership Academy, ECOC's youth programming includes the Summit, free SAT prep classes, scholarship and financial aid workshops, and iInspire. More than 700 students have participated in those programs in the last 12 months. $98,000 in scholarships and educational gifts were awarded to youth at the Educating Children of Color Summit on 1-13-24.

Sponsorship Levels

Sponsorships include a table for 8 guests, logo and name recognition on all promotional materials to include the annual report, Educating Children of Color Summit Program, social media and website, plus recognition at 10th Anniversary Celebration for each organization.

After submitting the Sponsorship form, please pay the designated amount for your sponsorship by clicking here:

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Copyright           2023  Educating Children of Color

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Educating Children of Color is a 501(c)3 organization

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